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Cookie Dough Protein Slice.

These are a raw slice which means they're sooooo easy to make! There's a secret ingredient that you may not expect which adds extra protein, nutrition & creaminess. Actually...this secret ingredient is also considered to be a vegetable when it comes to your 5 serves of veggies per day! Although you'd probably have to eat a third of this whole mix to get 1 serve!

So...what is the secret ingredient?? CHICKPEAS!!

When blitzed, chickpeas become smooth & creamy. They don't have a a strong flavour so they're perfect for adding to slices like this.

I love having treats like this in the fridge for when I'm feeling like something sweet. Especially on a Friday night. They really hit the spot! They last for ages too. Probably up to a month!

Full fat, high sugar treats are absolutely fine for an occasional treat but when I'm making something myself, I like to make things that will provide nutrition for my body as well. If you have a look at the ingredients of biscuits & slices from the supermarket the list is soooo long! There are often additives (which aren't actually food) & inflammatory vegetable oils too. This slice is made with real whole foods with a little bit of chocolate on top. I like to use Green & Blacks Organic Dark Chocolate as theirs only has a handful of real food ingredients.




- 1 tin drained & rinsed chickpeas

- 1 cup rolled oats

- 1/2 cup vanilla protein powder

- 1/3 cup peanut butter (or tahini)

- 1/3 cup maple syrup or raw honey

- 1 tsp cinnamon

- 100g dark chocolate

- Optional: a little extra chocolate & oats to top it with


- Place everything except the chocolate into a food processor & blitz until well combined.

- Transfer to a lined slice tray (lining the tray helps you to get it out later) & press down firmly.

- Gently melt the chocolate in a bowl in the microwave or a small pot on the stove.

- Pour over the top of the slice & spread out evenly.

- Top with the extra chocolate & oats if you're using them.

- Place in the fridge to set. The slice will still be soft because of the chickpeas but it will firm up a little.

- Slice, enjoy and keep leftovers in the fridge.


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