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Parsley Pesto.

Parsley is one of my favourite culinary herbs. It can be added to almost every savoury dish that you eat and it’s soooo easy to grow. It basically looks after itself. It can take over a garden in no time. In that case…make Parsley Pesto!

Parsley contains a high amount of vitamins & minerals including vitamin C, vitamin k, vitamin a, magnesium, calcium & iron. By adding a tsp of parsley pesto to your dishes you're increasing the nutritional content of your meal. Something I frequently tell my patients is to think of every time you eat as an opportunity to nourish your body so maximise the nutrition of every meal. With's easy!



You need some type of high speed blender for this. I often use my hand held mixer with a little bowl attachment that it came with. What you use depends what you have. Traditionally pesto is made in a mortar and pestle so you could also use that.


- 1 cup flat leaf parsley leaves

- 1 garlic clove

- The juice of 1/2 good sized lemon

- 1/4 cup cashews

- 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

- 30g Parmesan cheese

- Freshly cracked pepper


- Add the parsley to your mixing bowl/jug/blender

- Using a fine plane grater, grate in the garlic. This ensures that there are no chunks of garlic in your pesto. No one wants to have to chew on raw garlic!

- Squeeze in the lemon juice

- Add in the cashews, oil, Parmesan cheese and pepper (you don't really need salt because the parmesan is quite salty) then blend

- You'll need to scrape down the sides a few times

- Taste and adjust with more lemon juice, oil, cheese or pepper

- Keep in a glass jar in the fridge.

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