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Coconut Coriander Sauce.

Hummus or sriracha are my usual go-to sauces for salads (yes, hummus as a salad dressing so good!) but I’ve been experimenting with creating my own different sauces. This one is a winner! Its really yummy over this salad which is smoked trout, cucumber, avocado & red onion. It’s also excellent on anything mexican… Tacos, nachos & even Mexican spiced roast potatoes or sweet potatoes!

Make this sauce once & you're set for a few meals. Just keep it in a jar in the fridge.




- 1 small bunch of coriander

- 1/2 cup coconut yoghurt

- The juice of 1 lime

- 1 garlic clove

- 1 tbsp hemp seeds

- 1 tsp nutritional yeast

- salt & pepper

- 2-3 tbsp water


- Add all ingredients to a food processor or high speed blender & blitz until smooth

- How much water you add depends on your preferred consistency

- Taste & adjust with salt & pepper… I like a lot of pepper!


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