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Bloom Cocktail.

It's finally summer and the weather has been so nice in Melbourne. With Christmas just 3 weeks away I'm calling it... It's cocktail season!

To create this Bloom Cocktail I used a very special gin that I infused with our Bloom Organic Tea (which you can find here!) Bloom is a light floral tea made of a blend of 5 different flowers which was designed to uplift and improve vitality. It's such a pretty tea and it's perfect for creating recipes such as this. Bloom infused gin would also make a beautiful handmade gift this Christmas! Infusing the gin takes 2 weeks but with 3 weeks until Christmas, there's still time!

Although I really enjoy Bloom infused gin simply with sparkling water or a good tonic water, I wanted to make it extra special and christmassy with a delicious and refreshing cocktail. I kept the colours red and green because red + green = Christmas! I also use sparkling water in this recipe so that the flavours from the Bloom infused gin come through but also because it's an easy way to keep hydrated whilst drinking alcohol! #naturopathtips




Infused gin...

- 500ml gin

Bloom Cocktail....

(per glass)

- 2-3 strawberries

- A few mint leaves

- Ice

- 1 shot Bloom infused gin

- Sparkling water


Infused gin...

- Mix Bloom Organic Tea with the gin and leave to soak in an airtight bottle for 2 weeks

- After 2 weeks, strain out the tea from the gin and keep the gin in an airtight bottle

Bloom Cocktail...

- Slice the strawberries into small rounds & place 1/2 of them into a glass with a few mint leaves, with a cocktail muddler (or the end of a rolling pin!) squish down the strawberries & mint to puree them slightly

- Add some ice, pour in the gin, top with sparkling water & add some more strawberries rounds & mint leaves to the top for decoration

- Enjoy! (& drink responsibly!)

Ps- To give tis cocktail an extra naturopathic hit, you can use lemon balm instead of mint. Lemon balm is a herb used to calm the nervous system, uplift mood and also to soothe the digestive system.

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